During my elementary days, I used to have many friends and having my own group of people with the same interest. I'm not saying that I don't have friends anymore. I just realize that we're just kids at that time having a zero idea of what friends really mean. Having many people participating in the games we used to play, we maximize the enjoyment. This message strikes me when my sister asks me earlier. She said something like this, "Hey bro, do you have any best-friend that stays with you up to now?" For a while, I dazed upon looking at her. As I was sitting to our dinner table I answered her swiftly "Uhmm, nope. I don't believe to such things." I don't really trust people that much aside from myself" Sure that was like a cold person should say, but I can't deny that I am one sometimes. You see, the group that I created during my elementary days did last. I was able to build it during the Pokemon Era when I was a 4th Grader. If you have realized it by now, it was during that time that the name "Rayster" was created. "Ray" came partly from my first name and "Ster" guess what? I'll let you give me an answer to by commenting to this post.
As far as I can remember, I have a Pokemon group consisting of 5 people including myself. I mainly act as the chairman having a superior knowledge to Pokemon, not only limited to those creatures, but also to technology and gadgets. During that time I only owned a Gameboy as my main gadget. Only few of my classmates has one so it’s an advantage of you know what I mean ;) Having one also attracts some potential friend with a common interest as I do. Also, my skills are not only limited to virtual games, but to physical games too. I’m pretty much of a kid who would do anything just for the sake of fun and enjoyment. That’s why I really love my elementary days.
To be continued… (lol nagging habit nab a toh? Di ko pa nga ata natapos ang last post ko.)